Bangalore Water Treatment Sewage Treatment Plant Constructors
Sewage Treatment Plant Constructors

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Rivers constitute a major source of water in most countries of the world for both domestic and industrial purposes. After use, the water eventually returns to the river or is discharged out to sea, typical dry weather flow can be as high as 500 litres per person per day. In large populated areas, discharges take place at many different locations along the length of a river, thereby affecting the condition of the subsequent water abstracted downstream. Although the natural biological action of aquatic micro-organisms tend to decompose chemical pollutants discharged into rivers, current demand on the limited supplies and the time available is often insufficient. Therefore some method of purifying the effluent is required.

Best Waste Water Treatment Plants Manufacturer in Bengaluru India Views : 10875
Reecon Aqua Green Technologies PVT. LTD offers Waste Water Treatment Plants in India, PLC and HMI control Waste Water Treatment Plants Manufacturer, waste water treatment Plants for Hotels, waste water treatment Plants for Resorts, Fully automatic waste water treatment Plant Manufacturer India

Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Bangalore Views : 62607

Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Pvt Ltd - Sewage Treatment Plant Manufacturers in Bangalore. We are faithful towards delivering the best customer experience by providing most valuable solutions in meeting water and environmental needs through the innovational products and services. We want to emerge as the most preferred solution provider in the water treatment area by making positive contributions to industry, society and the environment.

Chemical and Biological Sludge Treatment Views : 63445

Biological/chemical waste water treatment reduces the solved and unresolved pollutants existing in the waste water. These are to be regained in the sewage sludge at the end of the water treatment.The sludge treatment is necessary to reduce and to amliorate the sludges, which are produced within the biological wastewater treatment.Reecon's Professional team and builders helps to remove any impurities wheather its chemical or biological hazardous material.

Process automation systems / plant automation Views : 47815

Process automation systems/plant automation are preferred by most of the industry for the easy and smooth function of the plant or process. Automation avoids human intervention, operational inefficiency and unsafe operating conditions. 

Bio CNG Production in Bangalore Views : 60337

Reecon Aqua Green Technologies are the Leading and efficient Biogas Plant Builders in Bengaluru

With latest technology biomass can be used for the production of Bio CNG. Biomass plant capacity of 50TPD of starting capacity is ideal for this. The processed biomass is cleaned and purified to meet the standards of government for supply as Bio CNG. As per the government notification government will purchase the Bio CNG at the present fixed price of Rs.46/kg. The pay back of this project is very attractive.

Fully automatic waste water treatment with PLC and HMI control - Project in Kerala Views : 60566

Manufacturer of SOLID WASTE COMPOSTING PLANT - Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Pvt.Ltd Views : 10212

Manufacturer of Solid waste Composting Plant, Manufacturer of Organic manure Plant, Manufacturer of Zero discharge plant in India.


All types of solid waste can be processed in REECON’S solid waste processing plant. Food Waste, Market Waste, Food Processing Waste, Sewage Sludge etc can be processed in this machine. It converts organic solid waste to quality manure.

SOLID WASTE PROCESSING PLANT - Manufacturers Reecon Aqua Green Technologies

Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants manufacturers in Bangalore Views : 65783

Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants manufacturers in Bangalore
Reecon Aqua Green Technologies - Industrial Effluent Treatment Plants manufacturers in Bangalore

Recons AEWAR technology is one of the advanced technology for the industrial waste water. Complete re-use of the treated effluent for process application, with AEWAR technology. In this Advanced Electro Wave Recovery process, oils, grease, colour, smell, minerals and total dissolved solids can be reduced from all types of effluents. There is no chemical consumption and the plant operation is fully automatic.

Biomass Plant Manufacturer in India - Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India | Manufacturer of WasteWater Treatment in India | Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India | Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India | Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India | Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India | Manufacturer of Biodegradable in India - Cutlery Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India | Industrial Automation, Biogas Plant, Biomass Plant, Wastewater Treatment, Biodegradable Cutlery, Biomass Waste, Industrial Gas Plant, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Technology, Environmental Solutions, Industrial Automation Solutions, Biogas Plant Installation, Biomass Plant Design and Construction, - Reecon Aqua Green Technologies PVT. LTD offers Industrial Automation, Biogas Plant installation, Biomass Plants, WasteWater Treatment installation, Biodegradable Cutleries, Biomass Waste and Industrial Gas Plant in India and Abroad View Ocatlink of Reecon Aqua Green Technologies PVT. LTD

Listed in : Water Treatment | Waste Water Treatment Service in Bengaluru | Waste Recycling in Bangalore | Biogas Plant Constructors in Bengaluru | Poultry-Slaughter Waste Disposal Service | Biomass plant Projects in Bengaluru | Sewage Treatment Plant Constructors | Effluent Treatment Plant Constructors in Bengaluru | Industrial Effluent Wastewater Treatment Plants | Fully Automatic Water Treatment Plant |

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