Poultry is one of the fastest-growing segments of the agricultural sector in India today. As crop production alone may not solve the food difficulty of the fast-growing population of the country. The poultry production has been the appropriate answer for the fulfillment of requirements of a balanced diet. India is now the world's third-largest egg producer, fourth-largest producer of chicken and fifth in poultry meat production. In India Poultry meat, contributes 47.05 percent of total Meat production. As the poultry industry expanding its wings, it’s also increasing the challenges to properly manage the waste produced from it. It was stated that if waste must be transported to a disposal site, it must be placed in sealed containers to prevent spillage. Globally, an excess of 90% of poultry waste is spread on land close to the poultry farms. The poultry industry produces large amounts of solid waste like bedding material, excreta, feed, feathers, hatchery waste, mortality waste and wastewater like faeces, urine, sawdust, remnants of drugs pesticides, disinfection of chicken houses and abattoirs. Poultry manure contains high phosphorus which has a positive effect on the growth and productivity of crops.Thats where these companies appears to be saviours.
Best Waste Water Treatment Plants Manufacturer in Bengaluru India
Views : 8510
Reecon Aqua Green Technologies PVT. LTD offers Waste Water Treatment Plants in India, PLC and HMI control Waste Water Treatment Plants Manufacturer, waste water treatment Plants for Hotels, waste water treatment Plants for Resorts, Fully automatic waste water treatment Plant Manufacturer India
Views : 50070
SOLID WASTE PROCESSING PLANT All types of solid waste can be processed in REECON’S solid waste processing plant. Food Waste, Market Waste, Food Processing Waste, Sewage Sludge etc can be processed in this machine. It converts organic solid waste to quality manure.
SOLID WASTE PROCESSING PLANT - Manufacturers Reecon Aqua Green Technologies
Biomass Plant Manufacturer in India - Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India |
Manufacturer of WasteWater Treatment in India |
Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India |
Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India |
Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India |
Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India |
Manufacturer of Biodegradable in India - Cutlery Reecon Aqua Green Technologies Bangalore, India |
Industrial Automation, Biogas Plant, Biomass Plant, Wastewater Treatment, Biodegradable Cutlery, Biomass Waste, Industrial Gas Plant, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Technology, Environmental Solutions, Industrial Automation Solutions, Biogas Plant Installation, Biomass Plant Design and Construction, - Reecon Aqua Green Technologies PVT. LTD offers Industrial Automation, Biogas Plant installation, Biomass Plants, WasteWater Treatment installation, Biodegradable Cutleries, Biomass Waste and Industrial Gas Plant in India and Abroad View Ocatlink of Reecon Aqua Green Technologies PVT. LTD
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Water Treatment |
Waste Water Treatment Service in Bengaluru |
Waste Recycling in Bangalore |
Biogas Plant Constructors in Bengaluru |
Poultry-Slaughter Waste Disposal Service |
Biomass plant Projects in Bengaluru |
Sewage Treatment Plant Constructors |
Effluent Treatment Plant Constructors in Bengaluru |
Industrial Effluent Wastewater Treatment Plants |
Fully Automatic Water Treatment Plant |