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Ball screw Repair And Reconditioning service in Bangalore, India - PMK

We can repair your ball screw in 12 to 24 hours!
Lots of companies offer "Changing of Balls" of a screw, which is fine if you want it to last a few months. If you want it to last a few years then you need to do a complete rebuild the Ball Screw with us.

1. Check the load of the nut at each end of the screw & in the center locating any trouble spots

2. Complete disassembly of the ball screw and nut, checking ball size, ball groove depth, returns, etc. 3. Thread grinding (ball grooves) your screw end to end.

4. ID grind the nut (ball grooves) to the same size & tolerance as the screw & replace all tubes, returns! 5. Precision grind & polish a new set of balls to match the newly ground ball grooves on your screw/nut

6. Final assembly to original preload, replacing all wipers & seals, inspection, testing & packaging.

7. If bearing seatings are damaged, we can OD grind and chrome plate back to OEM specs.

The end result is a completely remanufactured ball screw that will last years instead of months. We offer a 12 month warranty because we completely remanufacture your ball screw.

Precision Machinekfraft (P) Ltd

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Precision Machinekfraft (P) Ltd
Manufacturers of CNC Machines, Machine Tool Spindles, Ball Screws, Roller Screws, Rotary Table & Precision En....