Jayanth Acupuncture - The Best Acupuncturist in Annanagar and Chetpet, Chennai

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Jayanth Acupuncture - The Best Acupuncturist in Annanagar and Chetpet, Chennai
We are providing treatment for your Illness by Acupuncture In Chennai - Annanagar and Chetpet, Acupuncture is an Drugless Treatment and No more Side Effects. We are the only Certified Zhu's Scalp Acupuncturist in Chennai | South India.


Arthritis (Knee Pain),
Blood Pressure,
Bell's Palsy
Skin Diseases,
OCD - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Drug Adict,
Head Ache,
IVF Support,
Bed Wetting,
Kidney Stone,
Kidney Failure,
Menstruation Cycle Problems,
Psoriatic arthritis,
Hair Loss,
Thyroid Problems,
Back Pain etc...

Chennai Jayanth Acupuncture Clinic

For Appointment, Call

+91 77082 11515
+91 94440 60381

Web site:

We are specialised in providing IVF support acupuncture (Acupuncture for IVF IUI), Cosmetic acupuncture treatment, Endometrium, migraine headaches, Insomnia, sciatica, asthma,facial paralysis, backpain, arthritis (kneepain) treatments

Acupuncture Treatment in Chennai - Acupuncture Clinic in Chennai - Acupuncturist in Chennai - Acupuncture Doctor in Chennai - Acupuncture Near Me in Chennai - Acupuncture treatment Near Me - Acupuncture Doctor Near Me in Annanagar - Acupuncture in Chetpet - Acupuncture Specialist in Chennai - Acupuncture Doctor in Chetpet - Best Acupuncture Clinic in Chennai - Zhu's Scalp Acupuncture Treatment in Chennai - Certified Zhu's Scalp Acupuncturist in Chennai
#6/18, 5th Street, AJ Block, Shanthi Colony, Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600040

Visit : Jayanth Acupuncture - The Best Acupuncturist in Annanagar and Chetpet, Chennai

 Website Links Jayanth Acupuncture - The Best Acupuncturist in Annanagar and Chetpet, Chennai

Best Acupuncture Treatment Center in Chennai, Provides treatment for chronic / acute disease by Acupuncture, Acupuncture is Drugless Treatment, No Side Effects

Best Acupuncture Treatment Center in Chennai, Provides treatment for chronic / acute disease by Acupuncture, Acupuncture is Drugless Treatment, No Side Effects

Treatment for all kind of problems like Neurological, Gynaecological, Skin, Allergy, obesity, Neck and back pains, rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rhinitis / Sinusitis, Asthma, Low Sperm Count, Female and Male infertility

Best Cupping therapy expert in Chennai for all kind of pain, spasm, stress, fertility problems, weight loss, migraine headaches, asthma, frozen shoulder etc...


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